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International Patients

The Euromedica General Clinic of Thessaloniki International Patients Department, consists of experienced and specialized medical, nursing and administrative staff, providing a wide range of medical services, from diagnostic tests to highly demanding treatments. At Euromedica we aim to provide innovative and high-quality health services, based on patient safety and in accordance with international standards. Our values constitute us a reliable health partner and this is reflected in the quality of our services, coupled with state-of-the-art medical equipment and experienced medical personnel.

Euromedica General Clinic of Thessloniki facilitates access to a wide range of surgical procedures with a great team of experienced surgeons and specialists along with state-of-the-art equipment and diagnostic services.


  • I.C.U.
  • Internal Medicine
  • Maternity – Obstetrics – Gynecology
  • Cardiology
  • E.N.T.
  • Orthopedic
  • Urology
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Opthalmology
  • Endoscopy
  • Clinical Laboratory – located on-site offers various laboratory tests (hemodynamic, blood test, immunization, biochemical etc.)
  • Imaging Department – Our imaging department is located on-site and is fully equipped with the latest technology equipment, run by our highly qualified radiologists followed by our 24hr handling team. 

Ultrasound // Mammography // CT // MRI // Bone densitometry // X-rays // Colored Doppler // Triplex // ECG

  • Emergency Department – a team of English-speaking certified physicians, registered nurses and specially trained supportive staff are available 24 hours a day 365 days a year. The clinic is equipped with 2 ambulances that cover the needs of patients.


Patients that are scheduled for admission should, in every case, present at the Admissions Office all the necessary documentation:

  • Valid patients’ insurance card
  • Valid passport
  • Telephone number of emergency contact person(s)
  • Letter of guarantee (it concerns the insurance company as well) 

The International Patients Department strives to ensure the excellent stay of patients in the Clinic, but also their safe return to their place of residence, in good health.

Contact the clinic’s I.P.D.

Call center(+30) 2310 895100admissions.gc@euromedica.gr
Emergency Ambulance Service(+30) 2310 895100 
International Patients Department(+30) 2310  895263
(Monday-Friday 8:00-16:00)